Toto úžasné, univerzálne maslo sa získava z orechov afrického stromu shea. Ošetruje pokožku tým, že ju premasťuje a hydratuje. Zároveň zjemňuje a upokojuje pokožku a zároveň jej dodáva väčšiu pružnosť. Zjemňuje jemné vrásky a predlžuje trvanlivosť opálenia. Stimuluje tiež hojivé procesy pokožky - je preto skvelý na drobné odreniny alebo rezné rany.
Maslo vytvára na pokožke jemný filter, ktorý ju chráni pred mrazom a vetrom. Bambucké maslo tiež prichádza na pomoc suchým perám, popraskaným rukám a popraskaným pätám. Považuje sa za hypoalergénne - preto sa často a úspešne používa pri starostlivosti o novorodencov, deti a tehotenské brušká.
This wonderful, universal butter is extracted from the nuts of the African shea tree. Nurtures skin by oiling and moisturizing it. It also softens and soothes the epidermis while providing more elasticity to the skin. Softens fine lines and makes a suntan last longer. It also stimulates the skin's healing processes - it is therefore great for minor abrasions or cuts.
The butter creates a delicate filter on the skin, protecting it from frost and wind. Shea butter also reduces inflammation thanks to a significant amount of phytosterols. It comes to the rescue of dry lips, chapped hands and cracked heels. It is considered hypoallergenic - that is why it is often and successfully used in the care of newborns, kids and pregnant bellies.
Vegan certified.
Ministerstwo is a small, family owned soap producer. Sisters Ania and Ula Bieluń founded Ministerstwo in the north-western part of Poland, in Kamień Pomorski.
Ministerwo produces solid, hand made soaps and cosmetics, and our secrets for success lay in our choice of excellent raw materials, craftsmanship, and hard work.
Ministerstwo came out of a soap obsession, a sense of humor weaned on Monty Python, their Ministry of silly walks and the feeling that it's "Good to do something well".
Joanne Harris' book Chocolat also had a bit of an impact on them. In her book, the main character runs a store with chocolates and always knows what will best suit each customer.
The brand was also inspired by the documentary film Jiro dreams of sushi about the one sushi chef in the world who was able to get the four Michelin stars; about uncomprimising modesty and love of work.
75 g
Amber glass jar
How to use
Use it as: body balm
Gently massage it in with circular motions until it is completely absorbed.
For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Store in a cold, dry, and dark place.